March 07, 2009

Blackberry: Setting WIFI

1. Clik icon Manage Connection.
2. Check/clik di Wi-Fi On
3. Turunin cursor, ke "Set Up Wi-Fi Network"
4. Clik Next
5. Clik Scan For Networks.
6. Pilih Network -> BB menu -> click connect
7. Clik next -> Menu akan kembali ke menu Manage Connection. Periksa dulu Wi-Fi Options untuk mensetting IP apakah pakai DHCP.

Kalau memakai DHCP, bisa langsung dimainkan dg terlebih dulu merubah setting an Browser nya di menu utama, Options, Advance Options, Browser. Ganti default browser configuration dengan Hotspot Browser.

Untuk Static IP, di Wi-fi options, perlu dimasukkan static IP dg cara: masuk ke wi-fi options, highlight Wi-fi profile yg uda kita save tadi, clik menu BB, Edit, highlight tulisan "Automatically obtain IP Address and DNS", clik menu BB, Change Option, masukin tuh IP nya satu-satu. Caranya tinggal diketik saja di IP address (default, angka 0 nya tinggal diganti atu2, hapus pakai del/backspace. Kalo udah, tinggal clik menu BB, save.
Jangan lupa merubah setting an Browser nya di menu utama, Options, Advance Options, Browser. Ganti default browser configuration dengan Hotspot Browser.

from bb kaskus

Arrange Meeting via Blackberry

Tips untuk arrange meeting dengan gampang dan cepat menggunakan handheld Blackberry:
1. Masukan email address tiap orang di contact address (untuk memudahkan)
2. Option -> Advanced Options -> Default Services -> Calender (CICAL)
3. Calender (CICAL) : Ganti dengan email yang ingin digunakan
4. Main Menu -> Calender -> BB Button -> New
5. Input Subject, Location, time, day, notes, etc
6. BB Button -> Invite Attendee (Peserta meeting)
7. Save

Automatically meeting schedule terkirim ke email peserta meeting. Dan mereka dapat accept meeting with notes atau sebaliknya, decline meeting with notes.

Good luck & Success.

Hantu pemakan email (HPE)

Hantu Pemakan Email itu ada apabila memory di blackberry oleh system dianggap kurang untuk melakukan proses. Agar email baru tetap akan bisa masuk maka automatically email lama menghilang dari handset.

1. Keep ur email under 5000
2. Clear any chat history window after use. (YM, GTalk, BBM, JiveTalk, dsb)
3. Clear Browser History
4. Clear Log dr Home screen, ALT + LGLG
5. SoftReset (alt+rightshift+del) 3hari sekali atau lepas battery.
6. FreeMem, sehari sekali.

March 06, 2009

Setup BB for Modem

  1. Open Applikasi Desktop Manager
  2. Connect bb to computer
  3. Go to the "modem properties" at "control panel"
  4. Diagnostic modem(Usually default name: standard modem)
  5. If done input extra command string:
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP",""
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP","indosatgprs"
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP","telkomsel"
  6. Create network connection, Choose modem, dial number: *99#
  7. Input username & password:
    • Isat: indosat, indosat.
    • XL: xlgprs, proxl.
    • Tsel: wap, wap123
  8. Connect and happy browsing
Using Bluetooth:
  1. Pair the device with computer
  2. Follow the instruction above (from number 3 and so on)

Upgrade OS BB

Steb by step:

  1. Find bb os here
  2. Install OS nya ke PC/Laptop (.exe file)
  3. Hapus file vendor.xml di folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
  4. Back up data blackberry anda
    • Nyalakan DM
    • Connect BB via USB port ke laptop/PC
    • Kalau keluar window: "Application update available", pilih CANCEL, karena kita perlu mem Back up data terlebih dahulu
    • Pilih "back up & restore", pilih "back up"
    • Pastikan proses Back up ini selesai dengan sempurna
  5. Upgrade OS
    • Pilih "Application Loader"
    • Input password BB anda (Kalau pakai password)
    • Pilih applikasi apa saja yang di inginkan
    • Standar Applikasi: Blackberry Attachment Service, Blackberry Maps, Blackberry Messenger, Blackberry S/MIME Packages, MemoPad, Tasks, Documents To Go.
    • Pilih “Do not automatically back up and restore the device application data during the loading process” click Next, click FINISH
  6. Tunggu 30 - 60 menit sampai selesai
  7. Setelah selesai, bb akan boot up 10-15 menit
  8. Restore Data blackberry anda
    • pilih "back up & restore", pilih "restore"
    • locate file back up nya
  9. Done
Kalau saya sendiri pakai Bold OS 247. Download here