March 06, 2009

Setup BB for Modem

  1. Open Applikasi Desktop Manager
  2. Connect bb to computer
  3. Go to the "modem properties" at "control panel"
  4. Diagnostic modem(Usually default name: standard modem)
  5. If done input extra command string:
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP",""
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP","indosatgprs"
    • at+cgdcont=1,"IP","telkomsel"
  6. Create network connection, Choose modem, dial number: *99#
  7. Input username & password:
    • Isat: indosat, indosat.
    • XL: xlgprs, proxl.
    • Tsel: wap, wap123
  8. Connect and happy browsing
Using Bluetooth:
  1. Pair the device with computer
  2. Follow the instruction above (from number 3 and so on)